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This Orphaned Kangaroo Refuses To Let Go Of His Rescuer, And It'll Break Your Heart

The world's cutest orphan just doesn't want his new daddy to leave, and the resulting footage is so adorable.
This Orphaned Kangaroo Refuses To Let Go Of His Rescuer, And It'll Break Your Heart

After little Johanssen was orphaned over seven months ago, he naturally needed to look for new parents to raise him and guide him to maturity. So it's no wonder that when he took to his rescuer, he never wanted to leave his side. But whenever his newfound father has to leave and tend to other duties, Johanssen just doesn't want him to go.

Even though his dad always comes back, his heart breaks a little every time he has to say goodbye.
This Orphaned Kangaroo Refuses To Let Go Of His Rescuer, And It'll Break Your Heart This Orphaned Kangaroo Refuses To Let Go Of His Rescuer, And It'll Break Your Heart Reviewed by Bradley Fernandez on 11:33:00 PM Rating: 5