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Trump Attacks ‘Saturday Night Live’, Alex Baldwin Responds Perfectly

Believe it or not, Donald Trump doesn’t like when people poke fun at him. He’s very quick to defend himself when anyone rains on his parade. The most recent shower of satire comes from Saturday Night Live. Legendary actor Alec Baldwin has portrayed the presidential candidate throughout the election, and is planning to continue all the way through his presidency.
Trump Attacks ‘Saturday Night Live’, Alex Baldwin Responds Perfectly

It’s no secret that the show is making Trump out to be something of an idiot. The show’s left-leaning stance is very apparent. Trump, who was a host himself on Saturday Night Live a year ago, tweeted his frustration with the bias.

When Trump hosted SNL last year, NBC was required to give equal time to the other Republican candidates. This refers to the 1927 rule that US radio and television broadcast stations must provide an equivalent opportunity to any opposing political candidates who request it. Trump’s call for equal time in the show is not part of the rule. After Trump attacked the show, Baldwin took the opportunity to give him a piece of his mind.
After Donald Trump tweeted that SNL is politically biased and needed equal time for a different perspective, Alec Baldwin responded in another famous rant. Baldwin is no stranger to politics. Though he played the ultra conservative Jack Donaghy on 30 Rock, he is a vocal liberal. He’s even considered delving into a political career. When Trump was announced as the future president of the US, Baldwin stated: “The American political system is broken. Walk away from it for a while.” He’s also an avid tweeter. He’s ranted about his wife allegedly tweeting at a funeral, Starbucks employees with attitude problems and his support for Obama. After Trump’s tweet about SNL, Baldwin couldn’t hold back.
Trump Attacks ‘Saturday Night Live’, Alex Baldwin Responds Perfectly
Trump’s first mistake was going after maybe the only person who’s as outrageous on Twitter as he is. His second could be confusing the equal time rule. Something tells me that this won’t be the last spat between the two. After all, Baldwin’s Trump impression is set to continue for at least another four years. If I were you, I’d double check that you’re following them both on Twitter.
Trump Attacks ‘Saturday Night Live’, Alex Baldwin Responds Perfectly Trump Attacks ‘Saturday Night Live’, Alex Baldwin Responds Perfectly Reviewed by Bradley Fernandez on 4:24:00 PM Rating: 5